WELCOME to GLEN's Designs & Services

with Subtle Breakthroughs

Just call me Glen.

I kicked off my freelancing journey eight years back, starting out as an ESL teacher. From there, I transitioned into being a CONTENT CREATOR, crafting engaging content for start-ups, NGOs, and personal brands with Subtle Breakthroughs being my platform.

In addition to content creation, I've also dabbled in VA SERVICES, assisting clients with a range of tasks. As my knowledge grew, so did my clientele. I began to complete more and more projects, broadening my horizons and honing my skills in DIGITAL MARKETING/CONTENT CREATION and COPYWRITING.

But I'm aware there's always room for growth. I'm constantly on the lookout for new and improved methods to better my services. And I'm always grateful for opportunities to serve clients and forever indebted to them for their trust and referrals.

 ↓   Let's TALK. EMAIL me.     ↓

GC Community

A Remarkable Journey with GC Community 

Our partnership with GC Community has stood the test of time, making them one of our most cherished clients. We’ve poured our hearts into every project, from crafting social media content to designing websites, flyers, and conference books. 

But it’s more than just business—it’s a service to humanity. Being part of a community that selflessly supports those who can’t help themselves is both humbling and inspiring. GC Community’s mission to aid individuals with rare brain cancers resonates deeply with us. 

Our creativity knows no bounds as we write and design content that amplifies their advocacy. It’s an honor to contribute our skills to such a noble cause. 

Together, we’re making a difference—one pixel, one word at a time

Easy Supply List

Simplifying school prep is the goal of Easy Supply List!

As parents, we all know the chaos that comes with getting our kids ready for school. The endless shopping for uniforms, school supplies, and other essentials can be overwhelming. Thanks to the ingenuity of our client, Easy Supply List came to life.

Our client has taken the school’s supply list, sourced all the necessary items, and neatly packed them up. Plus, they deliver everything right to the school, so parents can breathe a sigh of relief. 

On the other hand, our team was tasked with the creative work of designing the shop and all the cool marketing paraphernalia for the parents and the school boards' meetings. It’s been an absolute pleasure taking part in this project!

Subtle Essence

Scented Memories: Where Passion Meets Fragrance 

Subtle Essence began as a simple love affair with scents—a way to weave memories into fragrant threads. But soon, it blossomed  as those who experienced our premium-inspired scents spread the word.

And so we took the opportunity. The goal? To reach every scent lover out there. From elegant packaging to captivating storytelling, we poured our creativity the best we could.

But it wasn’t just about the scent; it was about the creativity swirling around it. The customers didn’t just inhale fragrance; they immersed themselves in an experience. Each bottle held not only perfume but also a piece of our hearts. 

Our creativity became a bridge, connecting us to more and more souls who craved beauty and nostalgia. 

As our creativity flourished with this brand, we reveled in the joy of making someone somewhere happy. With this, we found our purpose. 

Whitepapers and ebooks

Our journey began with humble social media posts, but little did we know that it would lead to groundbreaking breakthroughs. As we served client after client, more opportunities opened up.

Newly added to our mission? To equip clients with presentations, modules, and captivating content. 

It was a humbling opportunity—one that is not always easy but is always rewarding. We fine ourselves fine-tuning brands, presentations, ebook designs, and even breathing life into proposals. Each project was a stepping stone, making us better, sharper, and more creative. 

And so we continue—writing, designing, and providing support services. Because on this platform of words and visuals, we find purpose. 

Our breakthroughs? They’re just the beginning. 

READ MORE BLOGS HERE at Subtle Breakthroughs